"place" can be "island"/"home", "hub" or Travel Scroll places. Opens the Wardrobe for quick-swapping sets of armor. You can't /visit people who are in a co-op with you. Lets you Guest on someone's island (if they have visiting turned on). Toggles the sound that plays when you receive a rare drop on / off Sets the spawn on your private island to the block you are currently standing on. Sets the spawn for Guests on your private island to the block you are currently standing on. Opens up the Sea Creature Guide (the one accessible from the Fishing skill screen). Send a player an invite to Guest your island (even if you don't have visiting turned on). Teleports you to Old Man Garry in the Dwarven Mines (only available when an event is about to start).Īliases for /warp hub - Teleports you to the Hub. Opens the Enchantment Table menu (Requires a Booster Cookie). Teleports you to the Crystal Hollows (only usable after summoning a minecart using Gwendolyn). Opens The Desk (only works while in ⏣ The Garden) Opens the crafting table (the 3x3 one available from the menu). Opens the crafted minions menu (the one accessible from the collections screen). Removes all items currently in the Stash. Opens the Bazaar menu (requires Booster Cookie). Opens the Anvil menu (requires Booster Cookie). Opens the Auctions of a specific player and allows you to bid for the items listed. Unlike /ah allows full access including searching listings and managing auctions. Opens the Auctions menu (requires Booster Cookie). The commands listed below are SkyBlock specific.Īccepts someone's island invite if they invited you.